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February 14th, 2025


Ron Gray, Associate Pastor of Compassion & Development

"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothing and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:35-36

When Jesus spoke these words, he was identifying himself with those who experience deep and persistent need. He assured his followers that anyone who responds to the needs of their fellowman are in fact ministering to him. Caring for needs is a part of the mandate Christ has given the Church. Every week, RockPointe Church carries out that mandate by addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs that exist in our community. All this is made possible by your support of the Compassion Fund.

With a balance of just over $300,000, the Compassion fund is in a very strong position. As these funds were generously given with the intention of being used, the Senior Staff, along with the Board of Elders and the Finance Team, share a commitment to see these funds utilized. As the Pastor of Compassion and Development, it falls to me to develop a plan to steward these funds in a way that is prudent, follows sound financial practice, and honors both the contributors to and recipients of this fund. I thought this would be a good time to provide an update on how that is going.

The process of developing a plan began with those directly involved in the Compassion Ministry, key intercessors within RockPointe, and Site leadership being asked to prayerfully listen to God for his direction and wisdom. Simultaneously, I did a thorough review of all internal policies pertaining to the fund as well as external polices that would provide guidance on best practices and legal governance of such a fund. As a result of this process, the following direction was adopted.

We will maintain a balance within the fund equal to one year’s target allocation for that fund. In the case of the Compassion Fund, this means we will seek to maintain a balance of $100,000. This will give us the ability to respond to any exceptional circumstances and needs should they arise.

We will seek to distribute funds in excess of that amount over the next eighteen months. This timeline will allow a diligent examination of options to determine if they meet the requirements laid out by our governing policies and to discern if the opportunity is something God is inviting us to move into.

We are blessed to have the resources that God has provided. While we will continue to meet individual needs, it has become evident that due to the amount of money in the fund, God is inviting us to partner with ministries and agencies that share our objectives. As this is the case, we have begun to explore the ways in which we can extend support to a variety of ministries. This has already begun to happen.

We have provided special support to the Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre (CPCC) so that they can provide compassionate support for women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy and related challenges. This support was provided in late 2024 and an evaluation of further support is anticipated in the spring of this year.

We have supported Providence House in their provision of programming to prepare those coming out of addiction to move back into mainstream society. As with the CPCC, an evaluation of the effectiveness of these funds will be undertaken in the spring with an eye to further involvement.

The Compassion Fund supported Hope Mission as they provided over 1000 meals to families in need over the Christmas season.

We have engaged more substantially into supporting the Saturday Dinner Serve that takes place the first Saturday of every month at out Bowridge Site. The Dinner Serve is growing substantially and is taxing the kitchen and the adjacent storage space beyond capacity. As this endeavor fulfills our desire to feed the hungry, we will be looking to support some minor repairs in the kitchen and bringing the storage space up to the standard required to utilize it for food storage. This will improve our ability to provide the 300 plus meals that are prepared each month.

We continued to sustain our regular Compassion activities. Groceries, medication, beds, rent, utilities, counselling, emergency vehicle repairs, and all manner of assistance have been provided to meet the growing needs in our neighborhoods. The Compassion Fund allows us the flexibility to meet needs that are often hard to find support for. For example, an electric blanket was given to a senior who was living in an apartment with inadequate heat. It is humbling to see what a large difference a little kindness can make. All of these things are extended in the name of Jesus and as an expression of his love and care.

Among other ministries and agencies, I am currently in conversation with the Mustard Seed regarding supporting their feeding of vulnerable women as they seek to develop their ability to build healthy and stable lives. This opportunity seems to have great potential.

So, we are well underway. God is leading, and most importantly he is being glorified as we serve others in Jesus’ name.

To God be the glory!