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January 10th, 2025


Stafford Greer, Bearspaw Lead Site Pastor

Last week, we kicked off a new series called This Is Us, a series that represents 9 months of listening, discerning, and articulating what we feel God is calling RockPointe to in 2025 and beyond. It isn’t necessarily a new vision, rather it is our attempt to provide focus and alignment for our ministries and for us as a whole church.

While last week we began to unpack the purpose that drives our actions (if you missed it, you can catch up on the sermon by clicking here). The next four messages will begin to unpack what we will be doing in order to live out our purpose.

This week, we are focusing on the first of the “Four G’s” - GATHER.

The message this Sunday will provide a larger framework for understanding what is behind our choice of “GATHER” and what it means for us at RockPointe. I would like to take this time to dive a little deeper into our push for small group involvement that we started last week and perhaps preemptively answer a few questions that might be bubbling up.

Q: What does this small group format look like at RockPointe?

Great question! There are many ways to facilitate a small group and we want to try a format from February to May Long weekend where we gather regularly in small groups to follow along with the sermons and provide an opportunity for people to find community at RockPointe.

Q: OK, I’m potentially interested in being part of a small group, what does it actually entail?

We are asking small groups to do three things:

  1. Meet weekly: We know not everyone can make it each week, but we’re encouraging everyone to meet weekly for the sake of consistency. Aligning schedules can be difficult, but if you agree to meet weekly, then it provides an opportunity for whomever can make it that week to show up. And if you can’t make it one week, you know there’ll be another opportunity the following week for you.

  2. Watch/listen to the sermon: Come having watched the message in person or online. It helps to have everyone on the same page when showing up for small group.

  3. Read weekly scripture: We’re promoting a weekly scripture reading plan that you can follow along with on YouVersion (in the app, tap: more→events→select or search RockPointe Church) or find it right on our webpage and click on the Daily Reading Plan button.

Q: Woah, meeting weekly sounds like a lot for me right now. Can we just meet bi-weekly?

I get it! Life can be really busy and a weekly commitment can be a lot! We’re encouraging all groups to meet weekly and then attend as your schedule allows. We know that aligning schedules is super challenging, but if there is a weekly meeting, it allows people to attend as they are able while avoiding the problem of skipping a week and then having the gap be four-weeks between meetings. Consistency is key and we think you’ll benefit from prioritizing weekly gatherings for this season.

Q: What are we supposed to talk about during small group?

There is a very simple, but effective approach that we are asking people to try. It involves three symbols that hopefully unlock good conversation and sharing:

  1. Question Mark - What is one question you have from the scripture reading or sermon this week. This can be immensely practical: “Who is this Paul person who keeps writing to the church?” or “Was Jesus serious about needing to cut off my hand?” The goal is to provide space for everyone to process their questions and to look to Scripture to perhaps speak into that question.

  2. Light Bulb - What is one “A-ha!” moment or illumination you had from the scripture reading or sermon? Share something that “clicked” for you or how the Holy Spirit spoke to you.

  3. Arrow - Based on the scripture reading or sermon, where has the Holy Spirit convicted you and what are you going to do about it?

The goal of small group is not to get through all three questions from every single person, but to provide a framework for you to process and work through what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life.

Q: That doesn’t sound like much of a Bible study.

Well, that isn’t a question, but you’re right! It IS different from a Bible study! Bible studies can sometimes be about “filling in the blanks” of a workbook or diving into hermeneutics and the particular context of a passage of scripture. There is nothing wrong with that, but it serves a different purpose than small groups. We are hoping that this small group format will create space for fellowship, community, encouragement, and space for processing and sharing how God is working in your life.

Q: That sounds like it is something I’d really like to do, but I’m already in a small group and change is hard. Can we keep doing what we’ve always done?

You are free to do whatever you want. However, we are asking that even existing small groups switch to this format even for just a short window of time: February to May Long weekend. I know change can be difficult, and if you try it and it flops, that’s OK - you can go back to the way things were afterwards. I believe that there is a benefit of being aligned with a whole church body and would encourage you to give this format a shot just for this season.

Q: OK, I think I’ll give it a shot; how do I sign up for this?

You can sign up by clicking here: Bearspaw, Bowridge, Westhills or by filling out a card at the info booth at each of our sites.