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July 5th, 2024


Stafford Greer, Bearspaw Lead Site Pastor

Summer is here (even if the weather doesn't really feel like it)! And with it, another new season is upon us. I've grown to appreciate the seasons we experience in Canada - even the ones I wish were shorter, or the ones I wish would extend into perpetuity.

I look forward to the melting of snow that gives way to new life in spring; the heat, sun, and relaxed schedules of summer; the crisp air as creation readies to hibernate, and the fresh snow and slumber (death?) that winter brings, only to be resurrected the following spring!

The seasons of life also mirror our environmental seasons: some seasons we want to stretch further, others are dark, void of signs of life that we can't wait to be over with, and some - like the perfect fall day - reflect the harvest of a season of hard work.

The Greer household is journeying through the start of a new season: moving, goodbyes, hellos, new relationships; endings, beginnings, and at times wondering if it will ever get easier or more predictable.

Whether you realize it or not, you are also going through a season: working, resting, vacationing, grieving, lamenting, celebrating, worrying, stressing, wandering, working, etc.

These seasons help teach us about rhythms of life, and like the author of Ecclesiastes (and the Byrds) write, "to everything there is a season." While some seasons are disorienting, each season is a reminder that no matter what we are going through, God is faithful: more faithful than the changing of the seasons.

Honestly, this is easier to say than live out. But not only each season, but each morning, we are given the opportunity to be reminded of and respond to God's faithfulness: "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23

If you read this verse in light of its context, you'll notice how challenging the author's (most likely the prophet, Jeremiah) life was: Affliction, lament, worry, depression, anguish, and distress. His hope is not found in his situation, but in his Saviour: "because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed..." He is reminding himself of the faithful love and faithfulness of God. Though the seasons of life are challenging, and sometimes each day is overwhelming, remember that the faithful love of the LORD is fresh each morning.

Let's call this to mind when we, as individuals or as a church, begin to fear and fret. The future might be uncertain as we begin to navigate difficult times, the seasons pass and change, but God remains faithful. His mercies never end and are fresh each morning.

May this Summer season be one of rejuvenation, rest, delight, and a chance to encounter the daily blessings of the LORD in our lives.

Press on!