I love stability. I love centeredness, peace, and contentment. These things are built into my personality and constitute primary values. Others may value adventure, new experiences, challenge, change, or conflict… but I’m pretty good to continue ordering the same thing off the menu at the same restaurant we’ve been to a thousand times. I like when things are set, make sense, and are predictable. Sure, I have built some skill and tolerance for things like change, conflict, or challenge… but it’s certainly not what I chase after.
As I reflected today on this, it made me laugh. Because life, whether as an employee, a parent, a friend, a church body, a country… is just never stable for long. Change or challenge is always around the corner. This is not a good or bad thing. It’s just life. And we all process it and walk through it differently.
In fact, it isn’t just external factors that are changing. Sometimes change is internal. Those external factors have a tremendous reach into our inner life - our mental well being, our sleep and rest, our physical well-being, our emotional state, and our walk with Jesus. One day we may feel super positive and ready to take on life… and the next we may feel a little down, lost, or unsure. One day we feel close to Jesus and the next we have doubt gnawing at our hearts.
How do you feel today?
How have you been feeling?
How do you feel about your summer?
Can I suggest something to consider, and to reflect on?
"Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do." Psalm 1:1-3
There’s always wind that blows. Sometimes there is a storm on the horizon, other times it's a peaceful day, but what makes a tree strong and resilient no matter what the weather is, is the strength and health of its roots. What makes the tree bear good fruit is those healthy roots being planted deeply into rich, nutritious soil, nourished by fresh water.
As you consider how you are doing these days or even your whole summer ahead of you, ask yourself this… If I am like the tree in Psalm 1:
Where am I planted? Have I planted myself in an environment or in practices that bring true nourishment to my soul? Or, have I planted myself in practices or places that continuously hurt me, derail me, and cause me to be unhealthy?
What is the fruit of my life? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, good ness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control? Or something different? What are you saying to me, Jesus, about what my life produces?
What decisions could I make to be planted somewhere healthy? Jesus, what does it look like for me to have my roots grow in you, to find nourishment in you, and to make me healthier and stronger in you - regardless of change or challenge?
We are all on this journey with Jesus. As we step into the summer, I encourage you to take a step, make a decision, and build an environment where your roots can be in Jesus. Sabbath, Prayer, Fasting, Solitude, Generosity, Scripture, Community, Service, or Witnessing to others are some examples of the practices of Jesus’ Disciples. I wonder what Jesus may whisper to your heart as you contemplate this?
I will leave you with this thought. The beautiful thing about trees is that they grow together. They become a forest. And when there is a grove or a forest full of trees with healthy roots, they provide a stable wind break and a protection from weather together. They become each other’s strength. So, this note may seem individualistic (and it is to a degree), however, I am very excited to grow together as well. In fact, we will be stepping into a series at RockPointe aimed at true discipleship over the summer. Let’s follow Jesus together and grow together.
Love you, appreciate you and glad we journey with Jesus together as a family.