On Thursday, May 2 Stafford and Joanne Greer started the journey from Manitoba to Alberta. For the Greer family this represents a significant change, a marker in time. They are leaving a church family, community, schools, and house to follow God’s call to RockPointe. It’s a bonus for them that they are closer to the Edmonton Oilers (Stafford’s favorite team) who put in a win on that day to more clearly affirm their call to Alberta. Stafford will officially start as the Lead Site Pastor of RockPointe Church on Monday, May 13.
For the RockPointe family this also represents a significant change, a marker in time where we move from what was to what will be. We are now holding both the loss of certain things from the past and expectancy for what God might do in the future, like two sides of the same coin.
For those who need to hear this, our significance is not based on what is lost or gained through this, or any other change. Whether or not we are leading or on the receiving end of change efforts, our significance is settled. God's deep affection for us is unchangeable! This is important because we can become self-focused and self-protective as we move through change. Instead, let’s be open handed, curious, and courageous about what God has for us in this next season. He is faithful and He is good!
Isaiah 43:19 says, “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Here is something I have noticed lately. Jesus is leading His church! As of this writing, we are technically down 3 site pastors. We do have amazing staff and volunteer teams who are gifted and providing ministry guidance, support, and equipping. And we have baptized 55 people and have been a part of 4 individuals giving their lives to Christ so far this ministry year. Yeah Jesus! As a church, we are leaning into our gifts and serving out of who God created us to be and we are seeing the fruit of changed lives.
Stafford is joining us, but he is not the primary leader of our church. Jesus will continue to lead His church. Stafford brings spiritual gifts that are needed in this season and each one of us who call RockPointe home also brings spiritual gifts that are needed in this season.
Along with gifts and strengths Stafford brings weakness just like the rest of us. Would you believe that our weaknesses are a gift from God? It’s true. God gives us weaknesses so we will rely on Him and each other. We can welcome both strengths and weaknesses because we are better when in community with one another.
How do we know the future is bright? The future is bright because Jesus is leading His church, and He is the light of the world. I believe each of us are being invited to step into two things as a part of this transition. First, let's join together in keeping our eyes on Jesus and following Him into the future with anticipation. Also, let's give the Greer family a warm welcome as we partner in bringing the light of Jesus to our communities and around the world.
Good times are ahead RockPointe!
"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." - Ephesians 4:15-16