“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” - Psalm 9:1
Hello RockPointe! The past two weeks have been a whirlwind! There is so much coming at me these days: starting a new job, figuring out details of an inter-provincial move, buying/selling a home, getting to know a new church family, and the stress of being apart from my family (I get to head back to Manitoba for a few days the first week of June, which we are all excited about).
At the end of each day I collapse, exhausted, from all the newness I am experiencing. Yet, during this time, I continually find myself filled with gratitude and thanksgiving:
I miss my family dearly, but I am so grateful that I have been blessed with the marriage, children, and relationships that I have. I celebrate and praise God that there will be a time not too long in the future where we will be together again!
I am filled with gratitude that each day, when I make my way back to the RV, my Goldendoodle Luna is there to greet me excitedly and I get to spend time walking her along the beautiful Bow River.
I was anxious about managing the logistics of selling/buying/moving house and God has continually provided in ways that demonstrates his love and care for us.
I was cycling with a friend from out of province last Monday between Canmore and Banff and was filled with awe at the beauty of the mountains and how they declare God’s majesty (and grateful that I get to be in a spot to experience them!).
If we’re honest, gratitude can be a difficult posture to have in our lives. The moment that we are able to celebrate a victory or success, the next trouble of the day comes our way; our stomachs get hungry, the bank account shrinks, the next worry or fear is always headed our way. When we focus on the challenges that we are facing, we can easily diminish the blessings and faithfulness of God. The troubles seem to grow and our God seems to shrink.
But, when we are able to foster gratitude, we are able to more clearly see God’s goodness, faithfulness, and presence in the midst of whatever struggle we are facing. The old hymn, Count Your Blessings, reminds us to “Count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
Jesus never promises us a life without troubles, but he does promise that he has overcome (John 16:33) and that he will be with you always (Matthew 28:20).
I am grateful for the Lord’s leading of me and my family to RockPointe. And while this move, and this next season of adjusting to work, life, church, family, etc., will have it’s challenging moments, frustrations, worries, fears, and stresses, I am brought back to a spirit of gratitude for the faithfulness of the Lord in my life.
Be encouraged, RockPointe, Jesus is faithful. Let us give thanks for his wonderful deeds in our lives!