“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”
Jesus, Revelation 2 & 3
In our media saturated world, we receive a bewildering number of messages every day. Social media, news streams, podcasts, texts and emails all contribute to the volume of communication that comes our way. Occasionally one message will rise above all the others due to its importance. It is usually a combination of the content of the message and its source that causes it to stand out. Today, I want to introduce you to a series of messages that should grab our attention.
This weekend at RockPointe we will begin to look at messages that meet every criteria that would qualify them as outstanding. They are timely and relevant in their content. They will be life transforming should we choose to implement what they call us to do. Most importantly, they have Jesus as their source.
In the first three chapters of the book of Revelation, we find messages to seven churches that existed in the first century. Jesus himself was paying close attention to the state of their faith and actions. He lovingly crafted a message to each church. He encouraged them in the ways they were walking faithfully with him and challenged them in the ways they were not. As we study these messages, the Holy Spirit will apply to our lives the timeless truths of God.
Just as he was with the seven churches of Revelation, Jesus is attentive to us. He walks in our midst and lovingly takes note of our state. He has some things he wants to say to us. If we are listening, he will use these messages to encourage, direct, and correct us in our walk with him. There are some things we can do that will help us hear what he is saying.
In the weeks to come, I would encourage you to read Jesus’ letters to the seven churches. Those letters are found in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. To gain context, I would suggest that you read chapter 1 as well. If you were to read those three chapters every week for the next two months, and if you were to prayerfully ask God what he would like to say to you, I know he will speak.
There is also an opportunity to look more closely at the entire book of Revelation. Pastor Todd Postlethwaite will be leading an exploration of the book of Revelation at Bowridge at 6:30 p.m. on April 13 & 27 and at Bearspaw at 9 a.m. on April 14 & 28.
When we received new life in Christ, God gave us spiritual ears to hear his voice. Let us tune our ears to his voice and hear what he is saying to RockPointe in the weeks ahead. We will be changed.
Looking forward!