"Jesus was suddenly standing there among them, 'Peace be with you,' he said." Luke 24:36
These words were spoken by Jesus to his eleven disciples. In the Gospel of Luke, this is the first thing he said to them after his resurrection. Isn’t that just like Jesus to step into an environment of fear and doubt and speak peace? He is so gracious. What is striking to me is that these words were said at the very moment that the disciples were receiving the report of two eyewitnesses that Jesus was in fact alive. It seems that their fears and doubts were quite persistent. Until they saw Jesus. The presence of Jesus brought peace.
Here is a little bit of the backstory. That very day the two eyewitnesses were walking from Jerusalem to the small town of Emmaus just eleven kilometers away. These travelers had heard the account given by the women who had gone to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty. They had been given the amazing report that angels at the empty tomb had told the women that Jesus was alive. Somehow, even after having heard the report, their hearts were still heavy with sadness. So much so that the scripture reports that “sadness was written across their faces”. It seems that their fears and doubts too were persistent. Until they saw Jesus. The presence of Jesus brought peace.
At this point in their story, unbeknownst to them, Jesus joined them on their journey. Through an act of God, Jesus was hidden from their recognition and he began to explain to them all the scriptures concerning him. How I would love a recording of that conversation! Upon their arrival at Emmaus, God opened their eyes and allowed them to see who they were speaking with. Filled with joy, they ran back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples the good news. As they retold their story, the disciples were still filled with fear and doubt. It was then that Jesus arrived and spoke peace.
The resurrection of Jesus is something that all Christians of orthodox faith accept as truth. We have heard the accounts of the resurrection more times than we could count. We could retell the story ourselves if the occasion called for it. Every year, as we will this year, we gather together and put great energy into retelling the story. Yet, is it possible that like the two travelers to Emmaus, and like the eleven remaining disciples, we still live in fear and harbor doubt in our hearts? In my heart I am convicted that fear and doubt often are a part of my experience even though I know that Jesus’ resurrection has happened.
This Easter, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and hear the story once again, let us be mindful that the resurrected Jesus is very much present with us, and he is speaking peace. The glorious reality of the resurrection is that it allowed Jesus to make the promise to all of his followers that he is with us always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
Jesus is with you. He is with you now, no matter your circumstance, no matter what fear and doubt may be assailing you. As our early brothers and sisters did, let us find peace in his presence. The resurrected Jesus is saying, “Peace be with you.”
Christ is risen!