There are times in life when we long for God’s gaze to be upon us. We long to be seen and known by him. There are other times when we would prefer to hide from him and keep certain aspects of our lives out of his sight. Psalm 139 reminds us that God’s persistent attention is a very good thing. I see three themes within the Psalm.
God Knows You
"O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts when I am far away. " Psalm 139:1-2
To be truly known, accepted, and loved is one of the human heart’s deepest longings. God knows you, sees past your projected self, and loves you for who you are. Our projected self is the image that we try to show the world around us. It is the manufactured person we hope everyone believes is truly us. It is the persona that we try to convince ourselves we are. God sees past all of that and loves you for who you really are. No one knows you and loves you like your Heavenly Father.
God is With You
"You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head." Psalm 139:5
You are never alone. God is with you. He is not only with you where you are, he has preceded you there and will be there after you leave. You are enveloped in his presence every moment of every day. Why is that so important? It is important because God is not with you in a disinterested, passive way. He is engaged. He is intentional regarding all matters in your life. He is supportive. He is not perplexed by your situation and is never in over his head. He is there, ever-present, ever-caring, and ever-working toward his good purposes for you.
God has a Plan for You
"You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:15, 16
Is there something about you that you wish was different? We all have quirks and unique things about us. If we compare ourselves to the projected selves of others, these things can be the source of great self-doubt. They can be a source of great pain if we feel pressure to conform into a mold that does not fit who we are. Yet, God is not trying to change you into a monochromatic duplicate of someone else. He knows who you were created to be and he is using your uniqueness to create a beautiful multicolor representation of his image in your life. If you cooperate with him, he will make something truly unique and beautiful.
God knows you, God is with you, and God has a plan for you. May these three truths fill you with peace and hope today.
There will be a dear family joining our RockPointe family next weekend. They will be very eager to walk in God’s knowing and engaged presence. On the weekend of March 1-3, RockPointe will host a candidate for the Lead Site Pastor role. He and his family will experience the whirlwind of meeting hundreds of new people while trying to get a feel for what God may be calling them to. Please join me in praying that God would direct our paths and work toward accomplishing his plan for the future in all of our lives. God knows RockPointe, he is with us, and he is leading us into his plan!