"This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
The other day a friend and I were talking about some of the decisions and opportunities we are facing. He put forward a question that has had me thinking ever since. He asked, “What would you do if you had no fear?” That question got me to pondering the role fear plays in my decisions and actions. If I were not trying to protect myself from something, if I were not trying to mitigate risk, how would I live my life differently? How would I follow God differently?
It is that last question, ‘How would I follow God differently?’ that really has me living in reflection. If I truly believe that God is good and that he is my provider and protector, then I will do anything he asks of me. I will move forward in the path he calls me to despite any risk I might think is associated with his direction. God’s goodness and power trumps any perceived threat. If I allow the character and power of God to determine what I am willing to do, then his character and his power will be the only limitations in my life.
What would your life be like if you were limited only by the character and power of God?
Through the ages God has always called his people to follow him into situations that required courage. Were it not for courage, the Israelites would not have moved into the land God promised them. Great forward movement and victory for God’s people has always been built on a foundation of courage. That courage is based on the fact that God is good and powerful.
What might life look like for us this year if we determined to live with a courage that is rooted in the goodness of God? What might life look like if we lived like God is with us and that he is willing to exert his power in our lives as we follow him?
The coming year will bring many decisions and possibilities with it. God will invite us to join him in places that we will be reluctant to go if we allow fear to limit us. Let us take up the challenge to hear God’s call to move forward into new things and courageously make the advances that God desires us to make.
Lord, we trust in you. May we be a people of great courage this year!