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December 22nd, 2023


Ron Gray, Bearspaw Interim Lead Site Pastor

"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."

Zephaniah 3:17

The coming of Jesus brought great joy to many. Luke, in his gospel, recounts how people responded to Jesus’ arrival. Mary rejoiced. Mary’s cousin Elizabeth cried out with gladness. The baby within Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy. The shepherds were filled with wonder and excitement. The angels declared that the news of Jesus’ coming would be the source of great joy for all people. The prophets Simeon and Anna praised God joyfully upon seeing the holy baby.

God’s people had awaited the Messiah’s arrival for many centuries. After such a wait, it is no wonder that those who recognized Jesus for who he was were filled with joy. Even today, those who believe the revelation that our Savior has come are filled with great joy. I am convinced that there is no joy greater than that which a person experiences when they receive a revelation of who Jesus is and accept the salvation he brings. Equal to that is the joy we feel when someone we love responds to Jesus’ invitation to live with him.

We and our fellow worshippers mentioned by Luke are not the only ones for whom the coming of Jesus elicits great joy. Jesus himself is joyful. I feel today, as I write this brief message that Jesus wants to say to you, “I’m happy I came. You bring me joy!”

The path that Jesus took was not an easy one. He left his exalted place in Heaven to come and walk with us, suffering in order to be our salvation. Isaiah described the Messiah as a suffering servant who was a man of sorrows, acquainted with the deepest grief (Isaiah 53:3). Yet Jesus, knowing the joy that lay ahead, willingly endured all for our sake (Hebrews 12:2). To Jesus, you are worth it all. He too is filled with joy at the thought of his coming, for in his coming he has reconnected with you. You and the relationship Jesus has with you are the source of great joy for him.

On the day that Jesus publically declared that he was the Messiah he chose to do so by reading a passage from Isaiah 61. After reading what we know to be the first two verses of the chapter, he announced that he was the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecies regarding the Messiah. In Isaiah 61:10, after describing his ministry of salvation among us, our Messiah declares, “I am overwhelmed with Joy in the Lord my God!”

This Christmas as you celebrate Jesus’ coming with joy, remember that he too rejoices. He rejoices because he and you can now be reunited and walk through life together.

Your Savior rejoices over you!

Merry Christmas!