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Acts of Kindness

When we face difficulties or challenges that are too much to bear alone, People Care will come alongside you with love and kindness.

"Within the body of Christ, we are called upon to bear one another’s burdens." - Galatians 6:2

  • We offer help to those needing relief from daily meal preparation due to illness, bereavement, or other unforeseen circumstances.

  • For those living with illness, we offer practical care to provide relief from daily responsibilities for them or their caregivers.

  • We can assist those needing help getting to appointments, light house and yard maintenance, babysitting, shopping, and other needs specific to each situation and family.

Please contact the church office at (403) 851-0011 if you'd like to help by doing acts of kindness for those in need.

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Complete this form to be contacted by people who care and are willing to help. All information provided will be kept confidential.

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